Thursday, March 15, 2012

LLLC4Kids Contest #14

It is time for another contest at LLLC4Kids, I have made a card for the contest #14  'The Great Outdoors'
I made this for my friend Emily, it was her birthday on the 29th of February.

I chose to use Big Panda Marci for this card because it was the best Marci, she looked like she was in the great outdoors with her panda hat and her panda teddy!
Emily adored this card!

Thanks for looking today

La La Land Crafts for Kids- Great Outdoors

Hello my little Crafters!
Welcome back for another LLLC4Kids contest.
Contest #14 brings the challenge of using the 'Great outdoors' as inspiration

I have used Luka with Flowers to make a card for my cousin Nate's birthday next week. I made the tree by hand and used the PTI fence die too!

Hope you can play along too, remember if you don't have a blog you can email your card through and we will upload it for you
lalalandcrafts4kids AT yahoo DOT com

thanks for stopping by

Thursday, March 1, 2012

LLLC4Kids Contest #13

 Hello Everybody, I'm back with a new contest it is Green and this is for my BEST FRIEND Kate and She has got into Zone Swimming Sports, that is the 3rd level from her first race on the 13th of February!!
And today Kate got Vice Captain for her sport team Barkley that is Blue!!
I have used Beach Marci

The colours I have used are
Stripes on hat- YG00, YG03, YG06
Other stripes on hat- G02, G05, G07
Flower- BG10, BG11, BG13, BG15
Skin- E50, E51
Hair- E33, E35, E37

Thanks for stopping by
Hope to see your entry on the blog soon

LaLaLand craft for kids

Hi it's Rylee here,  I am the guest hostesses for this month!

I am loving the contest's because my favourite colour  is Green! It's my friends birthday so I decided to make this for Holly.  she is a twin so it was her sister's birthday was on the 29th of feb too, they are turned 2 but have been around for 8 years. 
I am so excited about the next contest too, I will start working on that soon too!

For this card I have used Summer Luka

Hope to see you all soon!!!!!!  

Rylee :)